Celestron Omni CG-4 Telescope Mount Celestial Observing

Celestron Omni CG-4 Telescope Mount Manual

Celestron Omni CG-4 Telescope Mount manual content summary:

  • Celestron Omni CG-4 Telescope Mount | Celestial Observing - Page 1
    the horizon, or when they are directly over a source of radiating heat, such as a rooftop or chimney. See the "Seeing Conditions" section later in this manual. • To increase contrast and bring out detail on the planetary surface, try using eyepiece filters. 1
  • Celestron Omni CG-4 Telescope Mount | Celestial Observing - Page 2
    naked eye. Star Hopping One convenient way to find deep-sky objects is by star hopping. Star hopping is done by using bright stars to "guide" you to an object. For successful star hopping, it is helpful to know the field of view of you telescope. If you're using a 20
  • Celestron Omni CG-4 Telescope Mount | Celestial Observing - Page 3
    Star hopping will take some getting used to and objects that don't have stars near them that are visible to the naked eye are challenging. One such object is M57, the famed Ring Nebula. Here's how to find it: 1. Find the constellation of Lyra, a small parallelogram visible in the summer and fall
  • Celestron Omni CG-4 Telescope Mount | Celestial Observing - Page 4
    Illumination General sky brightening caused by the Moon, aurora, natural airglow, and light pollution greatly affects transparency. While this is not a problem for the brighter stars and planets, bright skies reduce the contrast of extended nebulae making them difficult, if not impossible, to see
  • Celestron Omni CG-4 Telescope Mount | Celestial Observing - Page 5
    Observation céleste FRANÇAIS Que pouvez-vous voir avec votre télescope? Dès que votre télescope est configuré, vous pouvez débuter vos séances d'observation. Ce chapitre traite des conseils d'observation visuelle des astres du système solaire et du ciel profond, ainsi que des conditions d'
  • Celestron Omni CG-4 Telescope Mount | Celestial Observing - Page 6
    Observer le soleil - Soyez prudent! Bien que le Soleil soit souvent délaissé par de nombreux astronomes amateurs, son observation se révèle à la fois enrichissante et ludique. Toutefois, en raison de sa très forte luminosité, des précautions spéciales doivent être prises pour éviter toute blessure
  • Celestron Omni CG-4 Telescope Mount | Celestial Observing - Page 7
    Le Star Hopping demande une certaine habitude et les objets qui n'ont pas d'étoiles à proximité permettant de les distinguer à l'œil nu sont plus difficiles à localiser. Parmi ces objets, citons M57, la fameuse Nébuleuse de l'Anneau. Voici comment la trouver : 1. Trouvez tout d'abord la
  • Celestron Omni CG-4 Telescope Mount | Celestial Observing - Page 8
    Conditions de visibilité Les conditions de visibilité affectent ce que vous voyez dans le télescope pendant une séance d'observation. Les conditions suivantes affectent l'observation : transparence, luminosité du ciel et visibilité. La compréhension des conditions d'observation et de leurs effets
  • Celestron Omni CG-4 Telescope Mount | Celestial Observing - Page 9
    Observación de cuerpos celestes ESPAÑOL ¿Qué se puede ver con su telescopio? Esta sección cubre las recomendaciones que se ofrecen para realizar observaciones visuales del sistema solar y de objetos en el firmamento lejano junto con circunstancias generales de observación que afectarán su
  • Celestron Omni CG-4 Telescope Mount | Celestial Observing - Page 10
    Observación solar ¡Tenga precaución! Aunque muchos de los aficionados astrónomos no consideran la observación solar, ésta puede ser muy satisfactoria y a la vez divertida. No obstante, debido a que el Sol tiene demasiada luz, se deben tomar precauciones especiales para proteger los ojos y el
  • Celestron Omni CG-4 Telescope Mount | Celestial Observing - Page 11
    Tendrá que acostumbrase a utilizar el "salto de estrellas" y los cuerpos celestes que no tengan estrellas cerca visibles a simple vista serán difíciles de encontrar. Uno de esos cuerpos celestes es M57, la famosa Nebulosa del Anillo. Ésta se puede encontrar de la siguiente forma: 1. Localice la
  • Celestron Omni CG-4 Telescope Mount | Celestial Observing - Page 12
    Condiciones para la observación Las condiciones de visualización afectan lo que puede ser visible con el telescopio durante una sesión de observaciones. Las condiciones incluyen transparencia, iluminación celeste y visión. El entender las condiciones de visualización y el efecto que tienen en las
  • Celestron Omni CG-4 Telescope Mount | Celestial Observing - Page 13
    Himmelsbeobachtung DEUTSCH Was können Sie mit Ihrem Teleskop zu sehen? Dieser Abschnitt enthält Hinweise zur visuellen Beobachtung von Sonnensystemund Deep-Sky-Objekten sowie Informationen zu allgemeinen Bedingungen, die einen Einfluss auf Ihre Beobachtungsfähigkeit haben. Je größer das Teleskop
  • Celestron Omni CG-4 Telescope Mount | Celestial Observing - Page 14
    Beobachten der Sonne - Vorsicht! Obwohl sie oftmals von Amateurastronomen übersehen wird, ist die Sonnenbeobachtung interessant und macht Spaß. Wegen der Helligkeit der Sonne müssen jedoch bei der Beobachtung dieses Sterns besondere Vorsichtsmaßnahmen ergriffen werden, um Schäden an Ihren Augen und
  • Celestron Omni CG-4 Telescope Mount | Celestial Observing - Page 15
    Es dauert eine Weile, bis man Starhopping beherrscht, und Objekte, die keine Sterne in ihrer Nähe haben, die mit bloßem Auge erkennbar sind, stellen eine Herausforderung dar. Ein solches Objekt ist M57, der berühmte Ringnebel. So finden Sie ihn: 1. Suchen Sie das Sternbild Lyra, ein kleines
  • Celestron Omni CG-4 Telescope Mount | Celestial Observing - Page 16
    Himmels durch den Mond, Polarlicht, das natürliche Luftleuchten und Lichtverschmutzung haben eine große Auswirkung auf die Transparenz. Obwohl dies kein Problem bei helleren Sternen und Planeten ist, reduziert ein heller Himmel den Kontrast von längeren Nebeln, wodurch sie nur schwer oder gar nicht
  • Celestron Omni CG-4 Telescope Mount | Celestial Observing - Page 17
    Osservazioni celesti ITALIANO Che cosa si può vedere con il telescopio? Questa sezione offre suggerimenti per l'osservazione sia del sistema solare sia degli oggetti del cielo profondo, oltre a delineare generali condizioni di osservazione che avranno un impatto sui risultati delle osservazioni.
  • Celestron Omni CG-4 Telescope Mount | Celestial Observing - Page 18
    Osservazione del Sole - attenzione! Sebbene venga sottovalutata da molti astronomi dilettanti, l'osservazione del sole è divertente e gratificante. Tuttavia, poiché il sole è così luminoso, vanno prese speciali precauzioni quando si osserva questa nostra stella, per non danneggiare gli occhi né il
  • Celestron Omni CG-4 Telescope Mount | Celestial Observing - Page 19
    Si richiederà un po' di esercizio per acquistare familiarità con il metodo dello "star hopping", e gli oggetti che non hanno nelle loro vicinanze delle stelle visibili ad occhio nudo saranno difficili da trovare. Uno di questi oggetti è denominato M57, la famosa "Ring Nebula" (nebulosa anello). Ecco
  • Celestron Omni CG-4 Telescope Mount | Celestial Observing - Page 20
    Condizioni di visibilità Le condizioni di visualizzazione hanno un impatto su ciò che si può vedere attraverso il telescopio durante una sessione di osservazione. Tali condizioni includono limpidezza, illuminazione del cielo e visibilità. La comprensione delle condizioni di visualizzazione e dell'
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What can you see with your telescope? This section covers
visual observing hints for solar system and deep sky objects
as well as general observing conditions which will affect your
ability to observe.
The larger the aperture of your telescope, the easier it is to
locate and observe objects. Many amateurs use the phrase
“there is no substitute for aperture” which is true, but many
newcomers and especially young people begin with small
aperture telescopes, and as their interest levels grow, so can
their aperture requirements.
Other fascinating targets include the five naked eye planets
— keep in mind that the larger the aperture of your telescope,
the more detail you can see on the planets. You can see Venus
go through its lunar-like phases. Mars can reveal a host of
surface detail and one, if not both, of its polar caps. You will be
able to see the cloud belts of Jupiter and the great Red Spot
(if it is visible at the time you are observing). In addition, you
will also be able to see the moons of Jupiter as they orbit the
giant planet. Saturn, with its beautiful rings, is easily visible at
moderate power.
A planisphere or star charts for the current time and date, will
help you locate what planets are visible and where.
• Remember that atmospheric conditions are usually the
limiting factor on how much planetary detail will be visible.
So, avoid observing the planets when they are low on the
horizon, or when they are directly over a source of radiating
heat, such as a rooftop or chimney. See the “Seeing
Conditions” section later in this manual.
• To increase contrast and bring out detail on the planetary
surface, try using eyepiece filters.
Often, it is tempting to look at the Moon when it is full. At this
time, the face we see is fully illuminated, and its light can be
overpowering. In addition, little or no contrast can be seen
during this phase.
One of the best times to observe the Moon is during its
partial phases (around the time of first or third quarter). Long
shadows reveal a great amount of detail on the lunar surface.
At low power, you will be able to see most of the lunar disk
at one time. Change to optional eyepieces for higher power
(magnification) to focus in on a smaller area.
To increase contrast and bring out detail on the lunar surface,
use optional eyepiece filters.
A yellow filter works well at
improving contrast while a neutral density or polarizing filter will
reduce overall surface brightness and glare.