Mackie Blend 6 Owners Manual Addendum

Mackie Blend 6 Manual

Mackie Blend 6 manual content summary:

  • Mackie Blend 6 | Owners Manual Addendum - Page 1
    , that we must report an error in the Tapco 6306 compact mixer owner's manual. Each manual is meticulously researched and hand-crafted using the fi up in a ball, reciting the parts list from the service manual of a classic Mackie 1604 mixer. His therapy and calibration sessions have been working, and
  • 1

An Apology:
It is with some sadness, and with humble heart,
that we must report an error in the Tapco 6306
compact mixer owner’s manual.
Each manual is meticulously researched and
hand-crafted using the finest materials, inks and
technical writers, and yet somehow this error has
been overlooked, and we are truly sorry. Very sorry,
just so very-very sorry.
It turns out that the technical writer responsible
for the owner’s manual was going through a tough
time. In fact he wrote the manual while under the
distinct impression that he was an analog-to-digital
converter circuit board. He could often be seen
under his desk, curled up in a ball, reciting the parts
list from the service manual of a classic Mackie
1604 mixer.
His therapy and calibration sessions have been
working, and now he just believes he is C101,
a 63 microfarad, 60 volt electrolytic capacitor.
Hopefully, he will soon make a full recovery (or he
may be discharged).
The Correction:
On Page 17: 4th paragraph down, the words
“Lemon Bunt Cake” should be replaced by the
words “Lemon Bundt Cake.”
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