Sharp light/flicker Easy on the eyes with Low blue free certifications

Sharp light/flicker Manual

Sharp light/flicker manual content summary:

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Sharp/NEC Projected Capacitive
Touch Screen Displays
LED desktop monitors first appeared on the market about 13 years ago. They provided many
benefits over traditional cathode ray tube (CRT) or even newer Cold Cathode Fluorescent
(CCFL) monitors, including better image quality and lower power consumption, and they
were much friendlier to the environment. However, LED technology introduced flickering as a
side effect of managing brightness. Blue light levels have become an emerging concern due
to our increased exposure to devices, including monitors and smartphones, that emit light.
Today, Low Blue Light and Flicker Free certifications have become important features that
should be considered when assessing an LED desktop monitor purchase. To ensure user
comfort and well-being, Sharp/NEC now offers many models with Low Blue Light and Flicker
Free certifications.
Low Blue Light and Flicker Free
Certifications Are Important
Lowering Blue Light Levels
At work and during leisure many people now spend long periods of time each day looking
at screens of some type — desktop monitors, laptops, mobile devices, or TVs. Many of these
screens, however, emit a higher level of blue light than natural light.
Blue light has been shown to cause
eye fatigue and discomfort
. Researchers have also
found a
link between blue light and sleep cycles
. That’s because blue light suppresses the
production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep patterns. Studies have shown
that exposure to blue light late at night makes it
harder to fall asleep
. Researchers continue
to investigate the
long-term effects of blue light on eye health
At Sharp/NEC, we have addressed customer concerns about blue light by engineering
LED desktop monitors that emit lower levels of blue light. In simple technical terms, we
accomplish this by using a color filter to shift a monitor’s color temperature (also known
as the white point). As a result, the temperature of the light emission from these monitors
drops from about 6500 degrees Kelvin, which is typical for LED monitors, to approximately
4300 degrees Kelvin.
In a side-by-side comparison with a standard LED monitor, a low blue light monitor will
appear slightly more yellow. However, few people will notice the difference when viewing a
low blue light monitor in isolation because the eyes adjust to the lower color temperature.
Using an NEC low blue light monitor means that you still get a bright, detailed image — but
without the risk of eye fatigue or other possible undesired effects.
Increasing Flicker Speed
The arrival of LED backlit monitors also made screen flicker a concern for monitor users.
That’s because the most straightforward way of enabling an LED monitor to be dimmed is to
design the monitor’s backlights to switch on and off rapidly, commonly accomplished using
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) which, as a side effect, can make the monitor “flicker.” Most
early LED monitors were engineered with a PWM rate between 100 Hz to 200 Hz. For most
people, this level of flicker is not visible to the eye, although it may lead to eye discomfort
without the user knowing the cause. Other people, however, are able to perceive the flicker,
which is unpleasant to view and can cause eye strain and headaches.
In our latest generation of desktop monitors, NEC has upgraded to DC control for the LED
backlight, which eliminates the flicker effect. Users of our flicker free monitors will not have to
fret about being distracted by a flickering screen or about suffering eye fatigue due to flicker.