Binatone Terrain 750 User Manual - Page 3

Operation - batteries

Page 3 highlights

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of the 9.0V DC/300mA DGDSWRULQWRWKHFKDUJH MDFN 3OXJWKHPDLQVDGDSWRULQWR D49$&+]PDLQVRFNHW ZLWKWKHVZLWFKRQWKHVRFNHW VHWWR2)) 7KHQVZLWFK21WKHPDLQVRFNHW %DWWHU\ PHWHU 7KH EDWWHU\ PHWHU LV ORFDWHG LQ WKH OHIW FRUQHU RI WKH /&' 6FUHHQ ,W DSSHDUV OLNH D EDWWHU\ ZLWK WKUHH EDUV LQVLGH 7KHVH LQGLFDWH WKH DPRXQW RISRZHUDYDLODEOHZKHQWKHEDWWHU\OHYHOUHDFKesLWsPLQLPXPOHYHO in 305RQPRGHthe XQLWZLOOHPLWWZREHHSWRQHVDQGDXWRPDWLFDOO\ WXUQ RIIWKHSRZHU 7KH 305 FDQ GHWHFW WKH EDWWHU\ FKDUJH LQ  OHYHOV %DWWHU\ FKDUJH DW KLJK OHYHO %DWWHU\ FKDUJH DW PHGLXP OHYHO %DWWHU\ FKDUJH DW ORZ OHYHO $W WKLV OHYHO WKH 305 ZLOO HPLW D ³EHHS´ VRXQG IRU HYHU\  VHFRQGV LQ QRUPDO PRGH ,PSRUWDQW &KDUJH WKH XQLW IRU a KRXUV %DWWHU\ FKDUJH DW YHU\ ORZ OHYHO. When the battery level reaches its minimum level in PMR on mode, the unit will emit two beep tones and turn off. proceeds to watch mode. ,PSRUWDQW &KDUJH WKH XQLW IRU a KRXUV %DWWHU\ OLIH The Terrain 750 has a built in power saver feature to make the tatteries ODVW ORQJHU %XW ZKHQ \RX DUH QRW XVLQJ WKH XQLWV WXUQ WKHP OFF to conserve battery power. 3. Operation 3.1 Transmitting range The talk range depends on the environment and terrain. It will be greatest (up to about 8 km) in wide open spaces, without obstructions such as hills or buildings. Don't try to use two PMR units which are less than 1.5m (5feet) apart. If you do, you may experience interference. Important safety warning To reduce radio frequency exposure when you're using your Terrain 750, hold the unit at least 5cm (2 inches) away from your face. Never use your Terrain 750 outdoors during a thunderstorm. Don't use the Terrain 750 in the rain. If your Terrain 750 ever gets wet, turn it off and remove the battery. Dry the battery compartment and leave the cover off for a few hours. Don't use the unit until it is completely dry. Keep the Terrain 750 out of the reach of babies and young children.

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. When the battery level
reaches its
minimum level in PMR on mode, the unit will
proceeds to watch mode.
. Operation
.1 Transmitting range
The talk range depends on the environment and terrain. It will be
greatest (up to about 8 km) in wide open spaces, without obstructions
such as hills or buildings. Don't try to use two PMR units which are
less than 1.5m (5feet) apart. If you do, you may experience
To reduce radio frequency exposure when you're using your Terrain
Never use your Terrain 750 outdoors during a thunderstorm.
Don't use the
in the rain.
If your
ever gets wet, turn it off and remove the battery.
Dry the battery compartment and leave the cover off for a few
use the unit until it is completely dry.
Keep the
out of the reach of babies and young children.
Terrain 750
Terrain 750
Terrain 750
Important safety warning
emit two beep
tones and turn off.
of the 9.0V DC/300mA
750, hold the unit at least 5cm (2 inches) away from your face.
The Terrain 750 has a built in power saver feature to make the tatteries
OFF to
conserve battery power.