Hayward H-Series Models: ABG1001 H100ID1 - Page 6

IV. Qualified Technician - Servicing - heater parts

Page 6 highlights

Section IV. Qualified Technician - Servicing General: :$51,1* Do not attempt to repair any components of heater. Do not modify heater in any manner. To do so may result in a malfunction which could result in death, personal injury, or properW\GDPDJH&KHFNZLWKFRQVXPHUWRVHHLIDQ\SDUWRIKHDWHUKDV been under water. Replace any part of the control system and any gas control which has been under water. Never use or attempt to use parts that have been previously used. &$87,21 Label all wires prior to disconnection when servicing controls. Wiring errors can cause improper and dangerous operation. Verify proper operation after servicing. Burner cleaning: If required, burners can be cleaned in the following manner:  7XUQSXPSPDLQJDVYDOYHDQGKHDWHUSRZHURII 2. Remove the gas manifold.  5HPRYHWKHEXUQHUV  %UXVKEXUQHUVZLWKDZLUHEUXVKDQGFKHFNWKDWWKH\DUHIUHHRI OLQWGXVWDQGVSLGHUZHEVEHIRUHHDFKVHDVRQRIXVH%XUQHUV with damaged ports must be replaced. Gas valve replacement: :$51,1* Do not attempt to repair gas valve. If found to be defective, replace entire valve. Attempts to repair it will void warranty.  7XUQSXPSPDLQJDVYDOYHDQGKHDWHUSRZHURII 2. Disconnect wires to gas valve.  8QVFUHZJDVYDOYHIURPPDQLIROG  ,QVWDOOQHZYDOYH  5HFRQQHFWZLUHVWRJDVYDOYH Direct spark module: 7KHGLUHFWVSDUNLJQLWLRQPRGXOHLVWKHPDVWHUFRQWUROSURcessing the operational information from the other controls. When WKHWKHUPRVWDWFDOOVIRUKHDWWKHEORZHUWXUQVRQIRUVHFRQGV EHIRUHWKHLJQLWRUEHJLQVWRVSDUN7KHLJQLWRUEHJLQVVSDUNLQJ at the same time the main gas valve opens, which causes igniWLRQRIWKHPDLQEXUQHUJDV,ILJQLWLRQGRHVQRWKDSSHQZLWKLQ VHFRQGVWKHPRGXOHZLOOWU\WROLJKWIRU  FRQVHFXWLYHWULHVDW VHFRQGLQWHUYDOV,IQRLJQLWLRQLVUHFHLYHGWKHFRQWUROZLOOORFNRXW IRUKRXU7RUHVHWWKHPRGXOHWKHWKHUPRVWDWPXVWEHWXUQHGWR WKH³2))´SRVLWLRQDQGEDFN³21´ 7RUHSODFHWKHPRGXOH  7XUQSXPSPDLQJDVYDOYHDQGKHDWHUSRZHURII  8QSOXJKHDWHU  'LVFRQQHFWZLUHVIURPWKHPRGXOH  5HPRYHPRGXOHUHWDLQLQJVFUHZV  5HSODFHPRGXOH Combustion blower: The combustion blower provides the air that mixes with the gas from the main burners for the combustion process. On initial VWDUWXSWKHEORZHURSHUDWHVIRUVHFRQGVWRSXUJHJDVRXWRI WKHKHDWHU7KHQWKHPDLQJDVYDOYHRSHQVWKHLJQLWRUVSDUNVIRU DPD[LPXPRIVHFRQGVDQGWKHKHDWHUOLJKWV7KHEORZHURSHUates the entire time the gas valve is open. &RPEXVWLRQEORZHUUHSODFHPHQW  7XUQSXPSPDLQJDVYDOYHWKHUPRVWDWDQG  KHDWHUSRZHU³2))´ 2. Remove screws retaining the main top.  'LVFRQQHFWZLUHVDWWDFKHGWRWKHEORZHU  5HPRYHH[WHUQDOYHQWWHUPLQDO  5HPRYHGXFWIURPEORZHUWRYHQWWHUPLQDO  5HPRYHVFUHZVDWWDFKLQJEORZHUWRIOXHFROOHFWRU 7. Replace blower.  5HYHUVHDERYHSURFHGXUHIRULQVWDOODWLRQ 6

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Do not attempt to repair any components of heat-
er. Do not modify heater in any manner. To do so may result in a
malfunction which could result in death, personal injury, or proper-
been under water. Replace any part of the control system and any
gas control which has been under water. Never use or attempt to
use parts that have been previously used.
Label all wires prior to disconnection when servic-
ing controls. Wiring errors can cause improper and dangerous
operation. Verify proper operation after servicing.
Burner cleaning:
If required, burners can be cleaned in the following
Remove the gas manifold.
with damaged ports must be replaced.
Gas valve replacement:
Do not attempt to repair gas valve. If found
to be defective, replace entire valve. Attempts to repair it
will void warranty.
Disconnect wires to gas valve.
Direct spark module:
cessing the operational information from the other controls. When
at the same time the main gas valve opens, which causes igni-
Combustion blower:
The combustion blower provides the air that mixes with the
gas from the main burners for the combustion process. On initial
ates the entire time the gas valve is open.
Remove screws retaining the main top.
Replace blower.
Section IV. Qualified Technician - Servicing