Husqvarna Z142 Owner Manual - Page 16

Mantenimiento, Controls - review

Page 16 highlights

CONTROLS IMPORTANT INFORMATION Experience indicates that alcohol blended fuels (called gasohol, ethanol or methanol) can attract moisture which leads to separation and formation of acids during storage. Acidic gas can damage the fuel system of an engine while in storage. To avoid engine problems, the fuel system should be emptied before storage of 30 days or longer. Drain the gas tank, start the engine and let it operate until the fuel lines and carburetor are empty. Use fresh fuel the next season. See Storage for additional information. Do not use engine or carburetor cleaners in the fuel tank or permanent damage may occur. Tracking If the mower is not tracking straight, check the air pressure in both rear tires. Recommended air pressure for the rear tires is 15 psi (1 bar). 1. Tracking adjustments are made using the tracking bolts. The tracking bolts limit the motion control levers when in the full-forward position. 2. For preliminary tracking adjustment, move unit to an open, unobstructed area such as an HPSW\SDUNLQJORWRURSHQ¿HOG 3. Using a 1/2" wrench, back the tracking bolts RXWXQWLOÀXVKZLWKQXW 4. Test operate unit by driving it at full throttle and the full forward position on both motion control levers. Gradually turn in the tracking bolt on the right hand side until the unit noticeably starts drifting right. 5. Drive forward at full throttle with both motion control levers in the full forward position. Gradually turn in the left tracking bolt until unit tracks straight. Read the Safety section and following pages, if you are unfamiliar with the machine. Training Due to unique steering capabilities, zero turn mowers are far more maneuverable than typical riding mowers. Review this section fully prior to trying to move the PRZHUXQGHULWVRZQSRZHU:KHQ¿UVWRSHUDWLQJ the mower or until becoming comfortable with controls, use a reduced throttle speed and reduced ground speed. DO NOT move control levers to the furthest forward or reverse positions during initial operation. First time users must become familiar with the mower's movement on a hard surface, such as concrete or blacktop PRIOR to trying to operate on turf. Until the operator becomes comfortable with the mower controls and zero turning capability, overly aggressive maneuvers may damage turf. Steering To move forward and backward The direction and speed of the mower's PRYHPHQWVDUHHႇHFWHGE\WKHPRYHPHQWRIWKH control lever(s) on each side of mower. The left control lever controls the left wheel. The right control lever controls the right wheel. First time users must push the mower (see Moving Machine By Hand in the Operation VHFWLRQ WRDQRSHQÀDWDUHDZLWKRXWRWKHU persons, vehicles or obstacles nearby. To move the unit under its own power, the operator must sit in the seat and start the engine (see Before Starting in the Operation section). Adjust the engine speed to idle, disengage the park brake but do not engage the blades at this time. Pull control levers inward. As long as the control levers have not been moved forward or backwards, the mower will not move. Slowly move both control levers forward slightly. This will let the mower start moving forward in a straight line. Pull the control levers back to the neutral position and stop the mower from moving. Pull back slightly on control levers, allowing the mower to move backwards. Push the control levers forward to the neutral position to stop the mower from moving. To turn to the right While moving in a forward direction, pull the right lever back towards the neutral position while maintaining the position of the left lever, this will slow the rotation of the right wheel and cause the machine to turn in that direction. 16 MANTENIMIENTO 4. Gire cada cuchilla para alinearla con el equipo desde la parte delantera a la trasera. Si la Ajuste del equipo de corte Nivelación del equipo Ajuste el equipo mientras el cortacésped esté en XQD VXSHU¿FLH QLYHODGD $VHJ~UHVH GH TXH ORV QHXPiWLFRV HVWpQ LQÀDGRV D OD SUHVLyQ FRUUHFWD Consulte Datos técnicos / Transmisión. Si los neumáticos tienen aire de menos o de más, el equipo no puede ajustarse correctamente. Levante el equipo hasta la posición más alta (de transporte). punta de la cuchilla delantera no se encuentra 6,35 mm a 9,525 mm debajo de la parte trasera, extraiga la placa de pie para acceder la delantera plataforma ajuste. Use una llave inglesa para girar las tuercas en el varillaje de la suspensión delantera. Girar en el sentido de las agujas del reloj hará que se levante la parte delantera del cortacésped, y contra el sentido de las agujas del reloj se baja la parte delantera. Adjuste la tuerca hasta que la punta de la cuchilla delantera se encuentra 6,35 mm El equipo se debe ajustar en un punto ligeramente a 9,525 mm debajo de la parte trasera. más alto en la parte trasera. NOTA: Para garantizar la precisión del procedimiento de nivelación, la correa de transmisión del equipo de corte debe instalarse antes de nivelar el equipo. 1. Use guantes resistentes. Gire cada punta de la cuchilla para alinearla la parte delantera con la trasera con el equipo de lado a lado. NOTA: Esto colocará el equipo de corte en una posición de medida estándar. En función del tipo de pasto que éste cortando o las condiciones ambientales, es posible que deba realizar ajustes adicionales para lograr el corte deseado. 2. 0LGD GHVGH OD VXSHU¿FLH GHO VXHOR KDVWD OD parte inferior de la punta de la cuchilla en el lado de descarga del equipo de corte. Registre esta medida. 3. 9D\D DO ODGR RSXHVWR \ FRPSUXHEH TXH OD medida sea la misma. Si es necesario hacer ajustes, con una llave de 3/4" o una llave inglesa, gire las tuercas de ajuste de la articulación de elevación en cada lado hacia la izquierda para bajar o hacia la derecha para subir. Ajuste hasta que ambas medidas sean iguales. 61

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Ajuste del equipo de corte
Nivelación del equipo
Ajuste el equipo mientras el cortacàsped està en
Datos técnicos
/ TransmisiÕn. Si los
neumáticos tienen aire de menos o de más,
el equipo no puede ajustarse correctamente.
Levante el equipo hasta la posiciÕn más alta (de
El equipo se debe ajustar en un punto ligeramente
más alto en la parte trasera.
NOTA: Para garantizar
la precisión del procedimiento
de nivelación, la correa de transmisión del equipo
de corte debe instalarse antes de nivelar el equipo.
Use guantes resistentes. Gire cada punta de la
cuchilla para alinearla la parte delantera con la
trasera con el equipo de lado a lado.
2. º±»D »HV»H ´D VX³H¶¿F±H »H´ VXH´R KDVµD ´D
parte inferior de la punta de la cuchilla en el
lado de descarga del equipo de corte. Äegistre
esta medida.
3. ËD\D D´ ´D»R R³XHVµR \ FR²³¶XH½H ¾XH ´D
medida sea la misma. Si es necesario hacer
ajustes, con una llave de 3/4" o una llave inglesa,
gire las tuercas de ajuste de la articulaciÕn de
elevaciÕn en cada lado hacia la izquierda para
bajar o hacia la derecha para subir. Ajuste hasta
que ambas medidas sean iguales.
Gire cada cuchilla para alinearla con el equipo
desde la parte delantera a la trasera. Si la
punta de la cuchilla delantera no se encuentra
6,35 mm a 9,525 mm debajo de la parte
trasera, extraiga la placa de pie para acceder
la delantera plataforma ajuste. Use una llave
inglesa para girar las tuercas en el varillaje de
la suspensiÕn delantera. Girar en el sentido
de las agujas del reloj hará que se levante la
parte delantera del cortacàsped, y contra el
sentido de las agujas del reloj se baja la parte
delantera. Adjuste la tuerca hasta que la punta
de la cuchilla delantera se encuentra 6,35 mm
a 9,525 mm debajo de la parte trasera.
NOTA: Esto colocará el equipo de corte en una
posición de medida estándar. En función del tipo
de pasto que éste cortando o las condiciones
ambientales, es posible que deba realizar ajustes
adicionales para lograr el corte deseado.
indicates that alcohol blended fuels (called
gasohol, ethanol or methanol) can attract
moisture which leads to separation and formation
of acids during storage. Acidic gas can damage
the fuel system of an engine while in storage. To
avoid engine problems, the fuel system should be
emptied before storage of 30 days or longer. ¹rain
the gas tank, start the engine and let it operate
until the fuel lines and carburetor are empty.
Use fresh fuel the next season. See
for additional information. ¹o not use engine or
carburetor cleaners in the fuel tank or permanent
damage may occur.
Ãf the mower is not tracking straight, check the
air pressure in both rear tires. Äecommended air
pressure for the rear tires is 15 psi (1 bar).
Tracking adjustments are made using the
tracking bolts. The tracking bolts limit the
motion control levers when in the full-forward
¼or preliminary tracking adjustment, move
unit to an open, unobstructed area such as an
H²³µ\ ³D¶Û±QJ ´Rµ R¶ R³HQ ¿H´»¸
Using a 1/2" wrench, back the tracking bolts
RXµ XQµ±´ ÀXVK Z±µK QXµ¸
Test operate unit by driving it at full throttle
and the full forward position on both motion
control levers. Gradually turn in the tracking
bolt on the right hand side until the unit
noticeably starts drifting right.
¹rive forward at full throttle with both motion
control levers in the full forward position.
Gradually turn in the left tracking bolt until unit
tracks straight.
Äead the
section and following pages, if
you are unfamiliar with the machine.
¹ue to unique steering capabilities, zero turn
mowers are far more maneuverable than typical
riding mowers.
Äeview this section fully prior to trying to move the
²RZH¶ XQ»H¶ ±µV RZQ ³RZH¶¸ êKHQ ¿¶Vµ R³H¶Dµ±QJ
the mower or until becoming comfortable with
controls, use a reduced throttle speed and
reduced ground speed. ¹O NOT move control
levers to the furthest forward or reverse positions
during initial operation.
¼irst time users must become familiar with the
mower’s movement on a hard surface, such as
concrete or blacktop PÄÃOÄ to trying to operate
on turf. Until the operator becomes comfortable
with the mower controls and zero turning
capability, overly aggressive maneuvers may
damage turf.
To move forward and backward
The direction and speed of the mower’s
control lever(s) on each side of mower. The left
control lever controls the left wheel. The right
control lever controls the right wheel.
¼irst time users must push the mower (see
Moving Machine By Hand
in the
persons, vehicles or obstacles nearby. To move
the unit under its own power, the operator must
sit in the seat and start the engine (see
in the
section). Adjust the
engine speed to idle, disengage the park brake
but do not engage the blades at this time. Pull
control levers inward. As long as the control levers
have not been moved forward or backwards, the
mower will not move.
Slowly move both control levers forward slightly.
This will let the mower start moving forward in a
straight line. Pull the control levers back to the
neutral position and stop the mower from moving.
Pull back slightly on control levers, allowing the
mower to move backwards. Push the control
levers forward to the neutral position to stop the
mower from moving.
To turn to the right
While moving in a forward direction, pull the right
lever back towards the neutral position while
maintaining the position of the left lever, this will
slow the rotation of the right wheel and cause the
machine to turn in that direction.